The Advanced Guide to butplug

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There are various causes of buttocks or butt pain, depending on what you are talking about. ™

Pain in the Buttock/Butt muscle - Do you have pain in the big muscle of your butt while sitting, standing, walking, or during sex or other physical exercise? If you push on the center of your butt muscle does it hurt worse? How about during massage when they rub you hard in that area - do you just about jump off the table in pain? Does the pain radiate down either or both legs? Is it sharp, dull, burning, or aching, there all the time? Does it keep you from sleeping? Is it crampy? All of these could be describing butt pain caused by your sciatic nerve.

What is the sciatic nerve? - The sciatic nerve is a big nerve that comes out of your spine at the lower back, runs through your butt muscle and down your legs. It can easily be aggravated by stress. When stressed, your muscles become more tense and squeeze down on that nerve, causing all sorts of symptoms and generally making your life pretty miserable.

Pain in low back/butt - The lower back and buttocks are closely connected, so often if you have pain in one area you will also have pain in the other. The sciatic nerve runs through both your lower back and your buttock. Some people have pain only in the lower back, some only the butt or just one butt cheek, some people have pain in the low back radiating down one butt cheek all the way down the leg. All of these describe a typical sciatic nerve issue.

Pain in your anus (or butthole) - This is more than likely hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are veins in your anus, or right outside of it, that become swollen, hard, and very sensitive. Sometimes you can even see the hemorrhoids if you aim your butt toward a mirror, bend over, and spread your butt cheeks. They may look like little, round purple balls (that is the vein,) or they might be red and swollen. (Google 'hemorrhoids' and select images.) Hemorrhoids are caused by sitting (truck drivers often suffer from them,) constipation (straining while trying to crap will create hemorrhoids over time,) pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids due to constipation and pressure from the growing baby, and dehydration. Being chronically dehydrated is one of the main causes of constipation, and therefore, hemorrhoids. You should be drinking 2 quarts of water, minimum, each day. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks don't count. You can get Preparation H at your local drug store which will provide temporary relief of the itching, burning, and swelling. But to really get rid of them for good you have to add more water to your diet, and more fiber. I like to drink 2-3 quarts of water per day PLUS eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I don't get hemorrhoids any longer because of these changes. If you think it is hemorrhoids, but it doesn't go away after a couple weeks of hydrating yourself and curing your constipation, please see your doctor. P.S. the toilet is NOT a library. Don't sit there for hours and read - that is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Pain or burning in the top of the butt crack - If you have soreness, redness, itching, burning, and/or mild bleeding at the top of your butt crack, you could have a pilonidal cyst.

From Wikipedia: "Pilonidal cysts are quite painful, afflict men more frequently than women, and typically occur between the ages of 15 and 24. Although usually found near the coccyx, the condition can also affect the navel, armpit or penis"

These cysts often get bacterial or fungal infections. If you want to try treating it yourself, get an over-the-counter anti-bacterial cream and treat yourself twice a day after showering. If you still have the issue after a couple weeks, you might want to see your doctor. I know, embarrassing. I had to go to the doctor once for an extremely painful hemorrhoid.

Until a few years ago, I had never heard of a penis plug. You want me to put What,Where? The thought of putting a piece of stainless steel in my penis hole was horrifying. Stuff is supposed to come out of my penis, not go in! But after a few weeks of my wife's coaxing, I finally gave in. And I'm glad I did.

Let's go back to the original question, What is a Penis Plug? Hop over to this website A penis plug is a piece of stainless steel that is inserted into the urethral opening for sexual play and stimulation. I need to express right now that, although some men have tried experimenting with objects that you find around the house, it is Very unsafe to use household items. You will also find web sites out there selling plugs made of things like glass or beads, but there is too much danger of breakage. Please only use penis plugs made from stainless steel. Penis plugs are a form af sexual exploration for both men and women. Men are the largest group using plugs, but women are getting into the act, too. Some woman purchase these as a sexual aid for their male partners, but plugs can also be used by women. Women usually require a smaller shorter plug.

Urethral insertables come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are known as Urethral Sounds, which are straight or slightly curved pieces of steel used to unblock obstructions of the urethra or to increase the size of the urethra. Another type of urethral insertable is the Prince's Wand. These require a piercing on the underside of the penis. The prince's wand is inserted into the urethra, then a threaded pin is inserted into the piercing and screwed into the wand. A ball on the wand can be unscrewed for elimination of fluids.

The most popular form of urethral insertable is the Penis Plug. A penis plug does not require piercing and has the largest variety of models. There are solid plugs that are used mainly for urethral play. Your first thought is that it is going to hurt, but quite the contrary. The feeling is very difficult to explain and I'm sure it's different for every man, but the best way to explain it would be that it is like having an orgasm from the inside out. When using a plug for the first time, always clean your plug and use a good water based lube. Then relax. If you tighten up because you think it will hurt, you will never get it inserted.

Penis plugs can also come with a through-hole, which has a hole through the middle of the shaft. These through-hole models are designed for extended wear and for elimination of bodily fluids. A Glans ring attachment is available to help hold the plug for extended wear. Penis plugs come in a variety of lengths and diameters, so there is one for every penis size. You can get plugs that have a smooth shaft, or plugs that have a variety of lumps and bumps, each giving you a different sensation when inserted. There are also plugs that have a hoop on the end to give it that pierced look, without the pain of being pierced. In the last few years there has been the addition of vibrators to the tops of the plug for an additional thrill. Some men also find it stimulating to attach there plug to a tens unit for a bit of a shock.

Now you know what a penis plug is, so man up and give it a shot.