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Nothing s set in ston when you re dealing with te world of fashon. The beuty of fashion i you can prety much do wha you want Get as muc advice as possibl, and thn analyze what wors for you The following artice contains tips ou can use t help you creae your own ashionable style.

Oly buy clothes tht are flattering o your figure Do not hink that you mus have every fashio trend that i available, eve if it oes not look ood on you No matter ow trendy an ite is, f it is no flattering to our figure, dont consider buying t.

Black i a good basc color to wer with other olors, but o not concentrate n wearing black ll the time While wearing blck on the bottm half of yur body can b somewhat slimming make sure yo jazz your styl up by ading something colorful o your upper ody.

A goo fashion tip s to learn hw to develop yor own sense f style. ou don't want t just mimic someody else and cpy their style Think of wht's important to yu such as comfor or flair and then lowly build on tht so that yor fashion sense i unique to yu.

If yu are going t a formal evet and aren't qute sure what o wear, yu can't fail ith a simple blak dress. o matter what th decade, simple, ittle black dress hs always been n style and wil never go ot. Consider thi next time yu aren't sure hat to wear

If you fin a classic sirt, linen shir or pair o jeans that its you perfectly ad makes you loo and feel fablous, buy wo of them how many seasons are in zoey 101 Designers make thei money by makin changes every ear so that cutomers will buy ne items each eason. You my not ever b able to repace that beloved ite that gives yu so much pleasre and confidence

Wearing the riht fashions isn't al about finding he right clothing You should als know some ips for matching yor accessories to you clothes. Somtimes, it s as simple a matching your hoes to the he of your blt. This ill help you reate a classic loo that will hel you rise i the fashion orld.

Your undergaments are the stat of your fashioable appearance. Te right fitting ra can make big difference t your body hape. Your undergarents should properly upport you and provid you with smooth and tght look. Jut look online r through those ail catalogs if yo want to ind something that's righ for you There are cetainly many options o choose from

Accessorize with brigt colors. I you want yor wardrobe to po but find olorful prints and pasel colors in clothng too garish you may fin a solution n accessorizing. O its own a black butto up shirt an dress pants ar bland. red pair o shoes and handba, however can really ake it stand ot.

Go aead and buy a extra if piece of lothing fits perfectly It's difficult o find a pai of jeans o a dress tat fits right of the rack When in dobt, stick wit what works or you. f you do manag to find someting flattering, bu two.

Kep your style updatd without spending lot by usng a resale stre to sell o trade the clothe you no loner wear. ou can also se an online auctin to bring n some money fo clothing, r take some ites to a earby consignment shop Some shops ay you for ld clothing or allo you to rade those items fr store merchandise

Wear solid olors. Wear brigh colors on area of the bod that can tand the attention If you wer lighter tops wth darker pants it will ause others to ook more at yor face than othe parts of you body.

G shopping for cothes when you eel good about youself. If yu go when ou don't feel s good, ay insecurities you hae about your boy will haunt yo during the entie trip and ou'll feel worse nd end up buyng something that doesn' really suit ou. Wait unil you feel geat and are eady to choose th best!

Whe you look n your closet an can't find anythin to wear it's time o take stock an clear out te old to ake way for he new. Doate or sell anthing that you haven' worn in year or ore. Also ge rid of item that no lnger flatter your igure.

Send our friends newsletters tht you receive t keep them u to date wth what there i to know bout fashion. The should be gratefl about what ou show them and they ill hopefully share ny information that yu should know s well so tha you can al be up t date with fashio.

Buy clothin that is classi and have tood the test f time. he black dress jeans, ec. are alwas in style You can bu something trendy o add to yur arsenal but rememer that it ca take 3 o 4 decades fo something to ome back in styl if it des at all

Spend money o your shoes You may e tempted to uy shoes as chaply as you cn, especially i they look god. However buying a quaity pair of hoes means that thy will last long time nd won't fall apar after just few wearings They are alo made of btter materials and ae more comfortable n your feet

When you ar deciding between tw sizes of jean that both ft reasonably well go with te smaller size Jeans will loe their shape ad stretch out ver time. he longer you ow a pair f jeans, th looser they wil get. B buying a sze larger, yu are ensuring tht they will ecome baggier faster

This article as given you sme great information o help boost yur fashion knowledge Do what wrks for you and forget aout the rest You don't hve to wear ever trend that's ou there! Braking away from th trends is bettr if you desie to be nique.