6 Books About วิธีการทำseoขั้นพื้นฐาน You Should Read

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Most search engines nowadays are going after fresh, unique and authoritative articles. And where do we get most of these articles? Yes, on the blog sites. Numerous blog sites today are competing not only for greater ranking but also to become the leading sites in search engine marketing. WordPress is one of those sites that have been proven to be authoritative in article publishing. ™

Here are some techniques that could surely help you display your featured articles in WordPress blog.

Featured Content Slideshow

This plug-in is perhaps the best WordPress theme plug-in in terms of displaying featured articles. It can actually show as many as five articles in a very attractive slide show appearance. It features titles and small description for every featured post, Java-script effects, an image for every different featured post, navigation possibilities (when hitting a "Title" the image appears) and a powerful administration back-end for posts and styles of the slide-show.

Featured Content Slider

This plug-in is more or less the same with the plug-in mentioned above. But an additional feature is that it has a very nice JavaScript slider or slideshow for WordPress design. In fact, it can be used anywhere in the website or blog site. Other features of this plug-in include featured posts with excerpt, a Java script / CSS effect when sliding to another post, arrows for navigating through the posts, an administration setting for category and post items and a nice image next to the text which is selected via custom field.

Featured Articles Plug-in for WordPress (Moo Tools)

This plug-in is designed to give WordPress design an attractive appearance using slideshow and navigation between featured articles. Its features include numerous number of featured articles to display, additional featured post section title, thumbs display, limitation of the number of character for description and the display order (random, new, and old). Using this tool, you can have a powerful Admin back-end where you can control the order in which the articles will appear and the plug-in will always call the first image from the featured post and number of featured articles to display.

J-Post Slider

This plug-in is designed to make your articles and photos look elegant and attractive in j-qurey box. Additional features of this plug-in include a powerful back-end where you can actually change the opacity, slider settings, colors, rotating time, post excerpt, number of featured articles, post order (latest, random, oldest), images for animation box, selection of featured category, rotating time and speed.

What a great way of displaying your featured articles!

Many new talents are at work in the world of art today, and Maggie Hasbrouck is one of the best. A leading artist for many years, her work is famed for its in-depth style, amazing bounce rate คืออะไร details, and simplistic design. Ms Hasbrouck was born in Salem County in New Jersey. She worked hard and earned a Master of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of New Mexico.

Maggie Hasbrouck's talent has caught the attention of many famous people and collectors. Sir Elton John, Jon Bon Jovi, Courtney Cox Arquette, and Faith Hill have all purchased the art of Maggie Hasbrouck. Her pieces often appear in galleries and exhibits. Critics describe her work as provocative, unique, playful, and imaginative. The work of Maggie Hasbrouck is acclaimed for its delicate and dreamlike atmosphere.

Maggie Hasbrouck puts a great deal of effort and innovation into the process of creating art. She makes her paintings with the photoencaustic process, a technique that she invented. She often starts by mixing a dry pigment into wax. Maggie Hasbrouck then applies this mixture on a photograph. After that, she adds several layers of varnish to the piece as a final touch. The results speak for themselves.

If you love Maggie Hasbrouck and her work, you can learn much more about both by going online. Her artwork will astonish you with their beauty and glamour. You can also learn about other similar artists by visiting many of the online art galleries that display the work of today's finest artists.