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Overview downloadsourcereviewstrends toggle dropdown sourcereviewstrends What is ok.Ru downloader (idl [facebook video downloader to mp3] helper)? Ok.Ru downloader (idl helper) is a chrome extension by idlhelper4. This extension has 15,649 regular users in one week, a good user rating of 4.58, and is the most similar to free video downloader and oktools save. The newest version, 0.7.61, was updated ninety days ago. Statistics - Storage- unlimited storage - http://*/*- https://*/* Other platforms Chromestats rating Security Risk impact The ok.Ru downloader (idl helper) requires a series of risky permissions that can potentially damage your internet and steal your intelligence. Remember when shaping this extension. Check carefully before installation. We recommend installing ok.Ru downloader (idl helper) only in circumstances where the player trusts the publisher. Risk impact measures the level of additional permissions an extension has access to. Low-risk permissions are not capable of doing much harm, while high-risk permissions can be very harmful, such as stealing your password, bypassing your security settings, and accessing our name. Extensions with the highest level of risk do not make sense are malicious. However, if these are malicious, they will be the most terrible. Risk probability The ok.Ru downloader (idl helper) probably contains a virus also not to be trusted . Avoid installation. Risk chance measures the chance of a chrome extension becoming malicious. The duration is determined by the publisher and the authority of the chrome extension in the virtual chrome salon, the amount of time the chrome extension has existed, and other signals about the chrome extension. Our templates are not perfect and are ready to change as humanity discovers new methods for detecting malicious extensions. We advise you to always exercise caution when equipping a chrome extension, especially with a decent risk and/or a higher risk probability.