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Легенда: (тек) = разлика с текущата версия, (пред) = разлика с предишната версия, м = малка промяна.

  • текпред 07:24, 18 март 2023Branyazxbp беседа приноси 5474 байта +5474 Нова страница: „A ot of people re bad with numers, and fel that learning ho to properly mange their personal finanes is so diffcult that it miht as well e impossible. f you find yoursel in a cary financial situation this is te perfect article fo you. ou can discover he best ways t manage your ersonal finances and potect yourself from bankrupcy and financial rui. Have plan for daling with collection gencies and follow i. Do ot engage in war of ords with a colection agent. S...“