Преглед на историята на „What is Khanapara Teer and how to check its result“

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Легенда: (тек) = разлика с текущата версия, (пред) = разлика с предишната версия, м = малка промяна.

  • текпред 19:13, 12 април 2023X1jgrla370 беседа приноси 3695 байта +3695 Нова страница: „Khanapara Teer is a popular archery-based lottery game that is played in the state of Assam, India. The game is also known as Teer in other parts of the country. It is a unique game where participants place bets on the number of arrows shot during a round of archery. The game has been played in Assam for over a century and has gained immense popularity over the years. Khanapara Teer is played twice a [https://www.howtopit.com/khanapara-teer-result-assam-tee...“