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Легенда: (тек) = разлика с текущата версия, (пред) = разлика с предишната версия, м = малка промяна.

  • текпред 16:20, 21 март 2023Morvinbrvy беседа приноси 5652 байта +5652 Нова страница: „If you ar like most peope, speaking i public is somethng that strikes far in your hert. Just tought of getting n front of straners can make yo panic. Tae a deep beath and relax because now yo are going t read great publc speaking tips tht will put yor mind at ase. Continue belo to the fllow article for great education o the art f public speaking When speaking i public, mke sure that wha you have o say is engging, otherwise ou risk boring th crowd. Rgardless...“