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Легенда: (тек) = разлика с текущата версия, (пред) = разлика с предишната версия, м = малка промяна.

  • текпред 04:53, 23 декември 2022Moenusdjli беседа приноси 5606 байта +5606 Нова страница: „That brought my total to four Aces six times as well as an imperial flush. You could require a blackjack hand sheet to keep in mind what moves to make based on your hand. In situation the total well worth of any type of hand reviews 9, it is minimized by 10 to get the outcome. As an example, if the hand is 7-5-5, the complete amounts to 17. The next two cards will be dealt face down, and also as soon as your hand total amount is eight or 9, a third card wil...“